I use Akka extensively with jruby in
It pretty much just works. Only one thing I can think of that might throw
someone is that Akka now requires a factory for creating actors. So you
have to jump through a couple of hoops to make that work when your factory
is ruby and your actors are ruby classes that inherit from UntypedActor.
My abstraction layer for actors is in server/lib/game_machine/actor.
If you look at builder.rb and factory.rb, and also in the java class
ActorFactory, you should see how it all fits together. Basically I have a
java factory that is just a proxy to my ruby factory, and a java interface
to make it possible for java to call the create method on my ruby factory
Only reason I haven't broken out the actor abstractions into a separate gem
is I just haven't had people asking for it, but my project is fairly niche
and not really targeted at what most people use jruby for, so I'm unsure
how much of a demand there really is.
Post by R. Tyler Croy(replies inline)
Post by Alexander FitterlingHi everyone,
is there anyone that uses akka/scala together with jruby?
While not using Akka directly, The concurrent-ruby gem is well supported on
- R. Tyler Croy
Code: <https://github.com/rtyler>
Chatter: <https://twitter.com/agentdero>
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